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Secrecy File and Folder Hider

SH on any folder to hide and keep out prying eyes and provide.


"SH to hide any folder and keep curious eyes away makes."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Privacy File & Folder Hider to hide any folder and to keep prying eyes away from the file provides. Never use your computer there and the "others" of information hidden files and folders from prying eyes as a way to protect wished? Privacy File & Folder Hider you can lock folder, BLOCK & Hide any file or folder you do not want accessible to others.
Privacy File & Folder Hider helps you to hide folder and protect your personal files, folders, pictures to display unwanted family, friends, collaborators and other unauthorized users. This can lock folders and files second, unlike slow encryption programs. Lock files in the folder may be locked with a simple click. Once locked, your files, or to read a deleted seen even renamed. Privacy File and Folder Hider 2.8 download now you can make free.

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